| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click hereAI and LawDescriptionGEN-AI: Global Conference on Next Generation Artificial Intelligence – Applications, Impact, and Innovations Attendee Category | Cost | | | |
IEEE Student - Online Participation | £180.00 | | [Read More] | |
IEEE Student - Physical Participation | £200.00 | | [Read More] | |
Industry - Online Participation | £250.00 | | [Read More] | |
Industry - Physical Participation | £300.00 | | [Read More] | |
Non-Student / Academics - Online Participation | £250.00 | | [Read More] | |
Non-Student / Academics - Physical Participation | £300.00 | | [Read More] | |
Student - Online Participation | £250.00 | | [Read More] | |
Student - Physical Participation | £300.00 | | [Read More] |